Friday, October 6, 2017

To the UW System Board of Regents: We can engage with "controversial" discussions, we just don't discuss with ACTUAL FUCKING NAZIS.

Dear UWEC Executive Staff/Chancellor’s Staff/Committee,

*CW: mention of rape 

You have heard the student body loud and clear these past few years. You have heard us shouting for your accountability to students, their safety, their education, and to the ways in which your institution has played into and upheld white supremacist, cisheteropatriarchal, classist and ableist education systems.

First of all, I don’t give a shit about your words. You have tainted once-beautiful words such as: diversity, validation, equity, diversity, inclusion, intersectionality—and have merged it into your brand as if you can stamp it on an institution and suddenly it is rendered all of these things.

Your actions have shown us otherwise. Your ignorance has cost you greatly. Our voices are loud and clear when they say that no one should be attending this university. You should be scared when it is your “””diverse””” population that is saying this to their peers, their siblings, their friends, their connections. Do not come to this university. Do not come to this school.

I don’t care about your PR stunts. I care about not being an afterthought. I care about not forcing students and faculty of marginalized identities to relive their trauma while you “experience” it for the first time, secondhandedly when we have to tear ourselves apart to educate you.

I don’t care that you “didn’t know.” I care about whether or not you are fit to be in the position you are in right now. I care about whether or not you are the best person for that position. If you must ask students “what do you want?” you have failed. You have not learned, you have not sought out learning, you have failed your students, and you have failed yourself.  

If you are worried about the well-being of your students who are white, cisgendered, heterosexual, able-bodied, financially stable and blablabla, go cry about it somewhere else. This revolution is AS MUCH about the privileged students on campus, as it is for the students of marginalized identities. Your responsibility is to educate your students on being lesser pieces of shit when they leave this university. You have failed miserably.

I don’t care about how “far” we’ve come. I don’t care that we have a “better” chancellor than the previous. I don’t care because that type of progression doesn’t do anything for people who will graduate with the idea that reverse racism exists. I don’t care because the same fucking shit that’s happened from BEFORE my time here is STILL happening here and on a grander scale since the election of our current president.

Which brings me back to the point of this post: Someone from your executive staff said to me that we could have prevented him coming to campus (but why would we not want him on campus?????—because we’re not a piece of shit university. Lol jk we are). The values that we have with our “EDI” initiative is also a standard. You did not uphold that standard and you failed your students, you failed their education, you enabled fascism on campus, and now you have to fix this fucking mess.

You owe it to students to tell them whether or not their dignity and absolute intolerance for nazism, white cisheteropatriarchal supremacy is welcome on this campus. You have a duty to tell students whether or not they will be punished for standing up against pieces of shit.

If you can’t even expel/”””punish””” students for being a fucking rapist, you don’t deserve to even fucking uphold this policy.

You also have a duty to tell students who you care about more—a policy that strips students the right to voice their concerns with pieces of shit on this campus, or your students, who have had their voices stripped from them systematically and institutionally from even before birth.

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire is only as great as its students. The students I have surrounded myself with are revolutionists. They have had their entire lives in the hands of executive staffs like you and they have been done wrong every time.

You’re not stupid enough to believe that this will actually stop students. Because it won’t.

(I am a part of and participate in a myriad of organizations but I do not represent them aka my perspectives are not their perspectives because my perspectives are my own and in no way "representative of" these organizations). 

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